Monthly Archives: February 2016
You Aorta Know: Facts About Coronary Artery Disease
Ever wondered what it felt like to have a heart attack? The answer is most likely, “Um, not really.” But, there are about 735,000 heart attack survivors each year that could tell you first hand.

Image by Sean McGrath, CC BY 2.0 via Flickr
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Zika Virus: What You Need to Know
Until recently, Zika was an obscure virus, confined to equatorial Africa and Asia, and only known to specialists in tropical medicine.

Aedes aegypti, by James Gathany // Public Domain
What is Congestive Heart Failure?
The American Heart Association reports that one in five Americans over the age of 40 will develop congestive heart failure, and an estimated 5.8 million Americans are living with and managing the disease. Owing to a rapidly aging population and improved heart attack survival rates, we can expect to add as many as 660,000 new cases to that number each year.

Source // CC BY-SA 3.0
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