Cinnamon May Reduce The Harms Of High Fat Diet

Cinnamon May Reduce The Harms Of High Fat Diet
Cinnamon is one of the common spices increasingly used in foods especially Indian foods! Cinnamon adds to the taste and hence preferred in most of the spicy foods. Cinnamon as multiple benefits including medicinal ones, wherein it is used in the treatment of certain conditions!
Apart from those benefits which we all know, cinnamon is known to have an important benefit which we were not aware of! Various studies have been conducted and a few are still in process to understand the observed results!
Rats were considered for the study. Increased consumption of cinnamon in foods was found to not causing weight gain and even developed less abdominal fat. It was also found to have healthier blood glucose levels and insulin levels, better lipid profile when compared to those rats fed with fewer cinnamon foods! Rats were also found to have increased anti-oxidant property and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties protect from various free radical based diseases such as heart attack, stroke, soon!
These results thus suggested that cinnamon reduces hyperlipidemia, inflammation and oxidative stress through activating transcription factors!!
Thus even high fat diet is consumed, cinnamon counteracts the side effects. However, studies are yet to be confirmed!!
If you are a cinnamon eater, you haven’t consumed something that is not healthy!!!